If you're looking for high resolution aerial images look no further. Using the world's leading aerial photography drones, we can capture aerial images up to 400ft by drone or higher using a small manned aircraft. We can capture a range of different types of photography including panorama and 3D photogrammetry. Aerial Photography Ireland offers a range of cameras and lens to suit all types of photography productions. Suitable for...
Whether it's for TV, Film, Real Estate, Agriculture, Marketing, or Event Management, we make aerial video production affordable. Our top of the range, gyro stabilised aerial cameras capture 5.2k RAW film for a fraction of the cost of traditional techniques. We can provide you with the raw footage or provide a full video production service. If getting the right shots is important to you, then make sure you choose Aerial Photography Ireland.
We provide aerial survey services using remote drones. If improving workplace safety is important to your business, Aerial Photography Ireland's remote inspection service reduces the risk of falls and accidents. The cameras fitted to our UAV's can capture hi-res images that can reveal cracks or damage from a distance. All of API's operators currently hold a safe pass for site work.
✦ Filming for TV Broadcast
✦ Commercials and Promo Videos
✦ Feature Films
✦ Real Estate
✦ Weddings
✦ Marketing and Events
✦ Sporting Events
✦ Golf Course fly over's
✦ Agriculture
✦ Archeology & Construction
From €395 + VAT
Due to the fact that each job is unique with many variable factors, we prefer to quote on an individual project basis. However, we do get many enquiries from customers requesting rough costs, therefore as a quick guide, our price ranges from €395 + vat upwards.
Please fill out all necessary information on our application form. This will help us give each customer the best possible quote for their specific shoot. Please submit via email.
From €850 HD / €1,400 FD + VAT
The above pricing is for the raw footage with no editing, it includes a two man operation, one who operates the drone and the other who focuses on the gimbal for camera control. We also offer great packages that covers everything from shooting to editing.
Please fill out all necessary information on our application form. This will help us give each customer the best possible quote for their specific shoot. Please submit via email.
From €495 + VAT
Get a "birds eye view" of your construction site no matter how large it is. Our drones make it possible for engineers to see the construction site from all angles up to 400ft, or higher using a manned aircraft. Pricing starts at €495 + vat for drone survey and inspections.
Please fill out all necessary information on our application form. This will help us give each customer the best possible quote for their specific shoot. Please submit via email.